Amy Whitcomb

Amy Whitcomb

Amy Whitcomb has been in love with music since she began piano lessons at the young age of 3. Once she saw Kelly Clarkson win American Idol, she knew that's what she wanted to do. She's been singing non-stop ever since. After studying Commercial Music at Brigham Young University, Amy released two EPs with her rock band, The Whits. She appeared on NBC’s The Sing-Off with the a cappella groups Noteworthy & Delilah, with whom she has toured internationally in both Asia and Europe. In 2013, Amy was on NBC’s The Voice, she released her first solo single and toured with other artists from the top 32. Soon after, Amy was cast as the vengeful “Florence” in an original rock opera, Deep Love. The show has toured the country and is produced each year in the fall. After touring with Deke Sharon’s Vocalosity from 2015-2017, Amy found herself back in Utah with her love for a cappella rekindled. From 2018-2021, Amy was the Artistic Director of BYU Noteworthy and continues to contribute to the group as well as many other high school and collegiate a cappella groups across the country. Amy directs & produces projects for Rise Up Children’s Choir including art directing the advanced Girls’ choir Lumina. Amy is the music director for Lagoon Entertainment and is involved in a variety of studio & stage projects. She teaches private voice lessons and is currently producing & releasing several accessible, affordable tools for vocalists to solidify vocal technique, better understand vocal health, and practice more efficiently!


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